Welcome to Andras’s Lab, Nanoscale Cognitive Computing Fabrics at the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. This group is led by Prof. Csaba Andras Moritz who is the CEO of BlueRiSC Inc. Research addresses the fundamental problem of how to realize computation with emerging technology supporting artificial intelligence and cognition. The group’s focus is on post-CMOS nanoscale fabrics and associated models of computation for cognition and compute, based on emerging nanodevices (semiconductor, nanowire, spintronics, and graphene) and novel nanomanufacturing paradigms. We follow a 'fabric-centric' mindset - an integrated approach across various design levels (architecture, circuits, devices and manufacturing at nanoscale), leveraging the unique properties of new physical phenomena. Ongoing work ranges across 3-D fine-grained integrated circuits for post-CMOS digital logic, as well as architectures for probabilistic and neuromorphic computation.